Case Results

September 26, 2023
Acquittal/Not Guilty Verdict in Murder/Aggravated Assault Case Jury Trial – Lamar County, Texas
Client charged with murder and aggravated assault in a case where client killed one person and injured another, claiming self-defense. Case involved issues of range of fire, line of fire, gunshot residue, stand your ground, castle doctrine, and apparent danger. I obtained a 70 minute NOT GUILTY verdict.

September 7, 2023
NO BILL – Possession Controlled Substance Penalty Group 2 – Collin County , Texas
Client had medical marijuana in Oklahoma but not Texas. Client was able to qualify for compassionate use in Texas and with strong characters and a solid Grand Jury packet, I convinced the Grand Jury to NO BILL the case.

August 7, 2023
Case Rejected after Pretrial Diversion – Possession of Controlled Substance PG1 4 Grams – Rockwall County, Texas
Client is a medical student and got caught with a large quantity of mushrooms. Convinced the DA to allow client to enter a pretrial diversion with the case never being indicted. The case has now expunged

June 6, 2023
Acquittal/Not Guilty Verdict in Indecency with a Child Case Jury Trial – Rains County, Texas
Client accused of exposing himself to a stepdaughter which he claimed was accidental. Case involved a complex medical history and strong character evidence which backed up client’s defense. I obtained a 2 hour NOT GUILTY verdict.

August 24, 2022
Acquittal/Not Guilty Verdict in Driving While Intoxicated Case Jury Trial – Rockwall County, Texas
Client left a bar and was pulled over after someone claimed that he threatened someone in a parking lot and pealed out. Lack of training and poor knowledge of field sobriety tests were exploited in the primary officer. I obtained an 11 minute NOT GUILTY verdict.

October 20, 2021
Acquittal/Not Guilty Verdict in Injury to a Child Case Jury Trial – Rockwall County, Texas
Client physically disciplined his daughter with a belt after serious behavioral problems. CPS became involved and then law enforcement. His children were taken from him for nearly a year and he was indicted for felony child physical abuse. Reasonable discipline, a cornerstone of Texas Law, was the essential issue of the case. In the end, the jury overwhelmingly agreed that that is exactly what it was. After two years, the case was brought to trial and I obtained a 5 minute NOT GUILTY verdict.

October 12, 2018
Case Dismissed prior to verdict in Driving While Intoxicated Jury Trial – Rockwall County, Texas
Client arrest for DWI and took the case to trial. Arresting officer’s personnel file was exploited, including evidence that a supervising officer believed that the officer did not have good character for truthfulness. Case was dismissed prior to any verdict.

Sep 22, 2017
Acquittal in Injury to a Child Causing Serious Bodily Injury Case
Client accidentally dropped a toddler from his arms causing a life threatening head injury. The police immediately decided he was lying and within a couple hours so did Children’s Medical Center. Soon he was arrested for a first degree felony. When I met my client a couple weeks after this happened and learned about his family, the idea that he would do this made no sense. I believed he was telling the truth. I soon consulted with an expert and read thousands of pages of medical journals and texts. By the time we got to trial, we had effectively reconstructed the fall to show why the accident had been so severe through expert testimony as well as pointing out the glaring failures of the investigators and doctors in the case. I probably read 100 medical journal articles to prepare my cross-examination. The jury found him NOT GUILTY in 5 hours.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

Jun 02, 2017
Second Degree Manufacture/Delivery of Controlled Substance Case Dismissed in Dallas COUNTY
Client was caught in a hotel room with a large quantity of drugs and money while on parole. Corrigan filed a motion to suppress alleging that the search was unlawful. Ultimately, with his research of caselaw, Corrigan convinced the District Attorney to dismiss the case.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

May 1, 2017
Evading Arrest in Motor Vehicle Case Dismissed in Kaufman County After Motion to Suppress was Granted
Client did not see a police officer at least a minute while traveling about 90 mph. Officer claimed that she was evading and that her speeds were over 100mph and arrested her for evading. Marijuana was found in the search of the vehicle. Corrigan won a motion to suppress and caught the officer in many lies on the stand and the judge threw out the marijuana. After 2 trial settings with the State not being ready for trial due to the officer’s unavailability, the case was dismissed.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

Jun 02, 2016
Acquittal in DWI Trial in Collin County – Verdict of Not Guilty
Client hit a sign on the Dallas North Tollway in a one-car accident at 1AM and was arrested for DWI, but after a vigorous cross examination of the arresting officer pointing out the deficiencies of his investigation, client was found NOT GUILTY.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

May 5, 2016
Acquittal in DWI Trial in Collin County – Verdict of Not Guilty
Client was accused of DWI based on consumption of marijuana. Car smelled like fresh and burned marijuana. Corrigan crossed examined arresting officers and toxicologist pointing out the deficiencies in their case and journal articles showing that the blood test did not prove intoxication.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

Feb 26, 2016
Acquittal in Super Aggravated Sexual Assault Trial in Rockwall County Verdict of Not Guilty
Client facing 25-Life with no parole after accusation from child under 6 that he had committed aggravated sexual assault. Corrigan attacked the case from top to bottom pointing out many serious flaws in the State’s case based on relentless investigation, preparation, and research. Corrigan also put on a detailed and persuasive defense case in support of his client’s innocence and pertinent trait character evidence. In the end the jury acquitted Corrigan’s client in less than 2 hours. Post-trial interviews with the jury revealed that Corrigan had not only raised reasonable doubt but had convinced the jury that his client was actually innocent.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

Feb 01, 2016
Family Violence Felony Assault Impeding No Billed by Dallas County Grand Jury
High school senior accused of strangling his ex-girlfriend. Corrigan vigorously prepared for protective order hearing to cross examine the State’s witnesses, highlighting the problems with the case. Corrigan then used a transcript from the hearing to prepare a Grand Jury packet that convinced the Grand Jury to throw out the case.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

Dec 29, 2015
Rockwall County DWI Case Dismissed After Motion to Suppress Granted
Client was more than twice the legal limit, but Corrigan filed a motion to suppress evidence and set the case for a hearing. Corrigan convinced the judge that the officer had not legally detained his client. The judge suppress all evidence in the case. The State was forced to dismiss the case. The officer then NO SHOWED for the ALR hearing, so no license suspension either.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

Oct 14, 2015
Felony Assault Public Servant Case No Billed by Collin County Grand Jury
Client is in her early 30s and schizophrenic. Her parents called the police out of concern for her and a desire to have her taken to a hospital on a mental health warrant. Instead, the police arrested her for assault of a public servant. Corrigan detailed her entire mental health history and more details of the incident in a Grand Jury packet. The Grand Jury threw out the case as a result.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

Sep 29, 2015
Aggravated Assault Case No Billed by Collin County Grand Jury
Client involved in an altercation in a parking lot when leaving with girlfriend after an argument. People claimed he tried to run them down. Corrigan presented a packet showing the client was not the aggressor and the Grand Jury threw out the case.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

Sep 17, 2015
Acquittal in DWI Trial in Dallas County – Verdict of Not Guilty Client arrested leaving a bar after 2AM. Admits to drinking and fails field sobriety tests with veteran DWI officer. A strong cross examination revealed the officer was not the expert that he claimed to be on the field sobriety tests and after my pretrial preparation of my client, he handled the state’s cross very well and was found NOT GUILTY.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

Feb 09, 2015
Acquittal in DWI Trial in Dallas County – Verdict of Not Guilty
Client arrested for DWI on the way home from Stars Game and admits to feeling “buzzed.” Client pled not guilty and went to trial, defended by Brian Corrigan. Officer’s knowledge of field sobriety testing was very deficient under cross examination and client did very well on the stand – well-prepared from our pretrial sessions. In the end the verdict was NOT GUILTY – in 5 minutes!

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

Aug 06, 2014
Dismissal After Mistrial – Hunt County Aggravated Assault Charge Mistrial Due to Government Witness Misconduct
Client arrested for hitting man with an flashlight during an altercation at a race track. Client pled not guilty and took the case to trial. During the trial, Corrigan got a government witness to admit on the witness stand that he had been convinced to change his testimony by a family member of the complainant that he had talked to during a break in the trial (in violation of the court’s instruction that no witnesses talk to anyone about the case). Corrigan pointed out that the witness was contradicting his prior sworn written statement and even his prior sworn testimony in the trial before the break. When the witness could not explain why, he eventually pointed to the person in the audience who had talked to him. The judge declared a mistrial and the State Dismissed the case.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

January 23, 2013
Assault Family Violence case Dismissed and Expunged
Client was trying to intervene in his daughter’s abuse of drugs. He wanted her to take a drug test to prove that she had not been using meth. The daughter called the police and the police arrested him for Assault and his daughter for drug paraphernalia. Corrigan contacted the arresting officer through a private investigator to verify his client’s story and then contacted the prosecutor and convinced him to dismiss the charge before the first setting. Corrigan then filed for an expunctio n in District Court which was granted only 2 months after the initial arrest. Client can now say that this arrest did not occur.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

February 25, 2013
Family Violence Assault Case Dismissed
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon (Handgun) Dismissed
Deferred Probation granted for Possession of Marijuana
Client was arrested for Assault Family violence in Crandall. Corrigan convinced the prosecutor to grant a pretrial diversion with BIPP counseling (family violence). Unfortunately, client was arrested with marijuana and a gun on a traffic stop before the pretrial diversion was completed. Through much effort and documentation of client’s skill as a teacher, problems with drugs, and the sudden death of his father, Corrigan convinced the prosecutor to drop all charges except the marijuana case. All cases will be eligible to be expunged or non-disclosed.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

December 13, 2012
Adminstrative License Supension Dismissed and Driving While Intoxicated case pled down to 12 months probation
Client is pulled over for DWI after a concerned motorist called the police. She was obviously intoxicated, but Corrigan enrolled her in DWI Education and Victim Impact Panel. Corrigan also contested the ALR suspension and kept her license from getting suspending. In the end, Corrigan convinced the DA to drop the probation to only 12 months.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

December 12, 2012
Pre-trial Diversion granted for Misdemeanor Possession of Marijuana
Client caught with marijuana on a traffic stop. Corrigan put together the story of client’s life which included outstanding progress in a trade for many years that had brought him to the point of certification by the state. Client’s background also included carrying the load for his disabled father. In the end, Corrigan convinced the prosecutor to grant a pretrial diversion. When complete, the case with be dismissed and will be eligible for expunction.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

November 2, 2012
Felony Compelling Prostitution Case Dismissed

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

October 22, 2012
Client continued on Probation for Felony Taking a Prohibited Substance in a Correctional
Client was several thousand dollars behind on his fees and briefly absconded his probation. A motion was filed and warrant issued. Client made bond and hired Corrigan. Corrigan discovered that a family medical crisis was the reason for the missed reports and negotiated a payment plan to get current on fees.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

October 19, 2012
Client continued on probation for 4 Felony Burglary of a Habitation Cases after new Driving While Intoxicated Cases (2 previous Motions to Adjudicate)
Client was on 10 years deferred adjudication. He had had 2 previous motions, been in drug court, the restitution center, and several other judge-ordered modifications when client was arrested recently for DWI. Prosecutors initial though was prison, but Corrigan put together client’s life story, including the unanimous opinion of his friends and family that he had progressed dramatically in recent years. Corrigan assembled a stack of character references and argued strongly that client, despite his failure, was a largely reformed father and husband. Corrigan convinced the prosecutor to offer SAFP (lock-down drug treatment) which client gratefully accepted. Judge Blake reluctantly accepted the deal after a 2 hour hearing in which Corrigan strongly argued that it was just.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

September 29, 2011
Failure to Register as a Sex Offender/Habitual Offender gets 5 years (20 below the minimum)
Client had been to prison multiple times and was looking at 25 to LIFE with his new Failure to Register Charge. Corrigan put together the story of his client’s life dating back 40 years to show that this was an isolated slip in an otherwise reformed life. Corrigan convinced the DA to go down to 5 years (eligible for parole in 15 months) where the previous lawyer could not get the DA below 15.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case

September 27, 2012
Juvenile Granted Probation for Indecency with a Child
Teenage client charged with indecency involving a close relative. Corrigan took fast action with polygraphs and pro-active enrollment in sex offender treatment before the County Attorney had even received a report from the investigating agency. Client’s guilt was well established by the time the prosecutor’s had the file, but any attempt to pursue prison was already futile due to the proactive steps with client’s parents and client. Judge granted probation and client may still be able to escape sex offender registration.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

August 3, 2012
Juvenile Probation granted for Aggravated Sexual Assault
Corrigan got client into sex offender treatment immediately and client made progress. Later client was violated for failed polygraphs. It came out that client had been abused and Corrigan coordinated with probation to get client into a boy’s home to get help. With success, client can still avoid being a registered sex offender as an adult.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

June 28, 2012
Client Continued on Felony Probation Violation/Fraudulent Use or Possession of Identifying Information
Client falsified community service hours which is a felony (Tampering with a Government Record). The prosecutor was intent on sending client to prison, so Corrigan prepared his client and his family to have a hearing in front of Judge Rako. After testimony and arguments, Corrigan convinced the Judge to continue client on probation.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

May 17, 2012
Probation dropped to 18 months, Interlock Waived for 0.26 (BAC) Driving While Intoxicated, ALR Suspension Dismissed (Client’s license never suspended)
Client blood alcohol concentration was more than 3 times the legal limit when arrested for DWI. Corrigan requested a hearing on the ALR hearing and the officer did not show. As a result, client’s license was never suspended. Corrigan got client into DWI Education and had him complete the MADD Victim Impact Panel. Corrigan also interviewed client about the other heartbreaking circumstances in his life and family, including loss of job and a loved one dying of cancer. Corrigan convinced the judge to waived interlock and reduced the duration of the probation despite the high blood level.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

April 12, 2012
2 Counts of Felony Theft $1500 Dismissed
Client had more than $6000 in bad checks including 2 that turned into felonies. Corrigan negotiated PR bonds and setup a payment plan to resolve all checks to client’s satisfaction with no probation.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

April 12, 2012
Client received 5 years in prison for 3 Aggravated Robberies – down from the initial offer of 20 years
Client confessed to multiple Aggravated Robberies and was being offered 20 years in prison when Corrigan took over the case. The evidence was rock-solid and the police suspected that client had taken part in as many as 6 robberies and was the gunman in most of them. Corrigan investigated and discovered a history of mental illness in client that fell short of allowing an insanity defense, but highly mitigated against severe punishment. Corrigan read and summarized over 1000 pages of mental health records and had client evaluated for insanity by a psychiatrist. In the end, Corrigan convinced the DA to offer the minimum prison sentence of 5 years for the string of offenses.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

April 11, 2012
Accident Involving Damage to a Vehicle Case dropped to a Class C Deferred
Client hit another vehicle on Interstate 30 and did not stop. Corrigan reviewed the filed and convinced that DA to drop the case to a class C and give deferred. The arrest will be eligible to be expunged.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

March 22, 2012
Client received Deferred Adjudication for Indecency with a Child
Client was never offered probation by the DA and the case was tried to a judge. Corrigan convinced the judge to grant deferred adjudication. Corrigan also convinced the court to allow client to stay in his home even though he lived in a child safety zone.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

January 25, 2012
Interlock waived for BAC over .15 in Driving While Intoxicated Case – probation dropped to 15 months
Client was obviously intoxicated and blew over .15. Corrigan referred client to do DWI education and Victim Impact Panel early and shared the harsh impact that the arrest had including job loss and loss of home to get a better deal.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

September 14, 2010
Felony Evading Arrest in a Motor Vehicle case reduced to a Class A Misdemeanor
Brian Corrigan is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization Corrigan’s client was arrested after attempting to flee a traffic stop on Interstate 30 at speeds well over 100 mph on a racing motorcycle. Corrigan marshaled references from the client’s background and convinced the assistant district attorney to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor despite the excessive speeds.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

July 28, 2011
Driving While Intoxicated case dropped to Obstruction of a Roadway
Client is intoxicated on herbal marijuana and pulled over for Driving While Intoxicated. Client is obviously impaired and gives a blood sample showing the presence of the herbal marijuana in his blood. Corrigan refers client to drug offender education and convinces DA to drop the case to an Obstruction with deferred probation. Client will be eligible to have the record sealed with a non-disclosure after the completion of his probation.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

April 29, 2011
Possession of Dangerous Drug Charge Dismissed
Consumption of Alcohol by Minor Charge Dismissed
Minor in Possession of Alcohol Charge Dismissed
Defendant had been drinking and was stopped disoriented at a traffic light by law enforcement. She was arrested for consumption of alcohol by a minor and drugs and paraphernalia were found in her vehicle. Client was also cited again for being in possession of alcohol on a later day. Corrigan convinced the DA to drop the drug ca se with a pretrial diversion and convinced the city attorney to drop the alcohol charges and gave a suspended sentence on the paraphernalia charge.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

April 28, 2011
Deferred Adjudication granted for 4 Counts Possession of Child Pornography
Police found child pornography on client’s computer and DA offered prison time. Over a 7 month period, Corrigan got Client into counseling, prepared character witnesses for a hearing, and eventually convinced the DA to offer deferred probation on the day the case was set to go to the judge for sentencing.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

Client Testimonials

“The best Lawyer in Texas and the best attorney for domestic violence cases. I met with 4 to 5 different lawyers and I selected Brian Charles Corrigan. His customer service is excellent. I never had to worry about remembering anything like my dates he always kept me informed. He picked up his phone...


“Brian is the BOMB… after making one bad decision I made an EXCELLENT decision of hiring Brian to represent me. He had all the charges dropped even before the 1st Court Hearing by working with the DA. Additionally he got me an Early Expunction. I met Brian in May 2013 for my case and all the charges...


“10++ stars. This is the most knowledgeable assertive attorney in criminal defense. He is worth his weight in gold!! He took care of my situation quickly and kept me informed the entire time. He is a attorney that truly cares about his clients and that is hard to find. I highly recommend this...


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