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Reviews 5 Stars out of 78 reviews - Brian Charles Corrigan - Avvo - badge
Client Champion Silver 2020 - badge

Dallas County Cases

October 31, 2013
Third Degree Felony Harassment of a Public Servant case dropped to a Class A misdemeanor with deferred adjudication in Dallas
Client came to Dallas from out-of-state to go to a rock concert. Client got extremely intoxicated, blacked out, and was arrested for public intoxication. During the arrest, client spit on the officer which is a felony. The DA wanted a 6-year felony probation. Corrigan put together client’s life story through character references and got client evaluated for alcohol treatment and into an alcohol education class. Corrigan also pulled medical records from Parkland showing that client was injured during the detention. Corrigan convinced the DA to drop the case to a misdemeanor with 2 years deferred adjudication. At the end of the probation, the case can be sealed with an order of nondisclosure.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

October 31, 2013
Third Degree Felony Possession of Marijuana 5-50 pounds reduced to Class A misdemeanor with deferred adjudication in Dallas
Client was caught mailing 10 pounds of marijuana. The DA wanted a 7 year felony probation. Corrigan investigated client’s background and discovered a strong work history except for being laid off immediately before the offense. Corrigan also found that client had put himself through college and had financially supported his grandparents. Corrigan convinced that DA that the incident was isolated in his life and was the result of financial hardship. The case was reduced to a misdemeanor with deferred adjudication. The case can be sealed at the end of probation with an order of nondisclosure.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

October 31, 2013
Assault Family Violence Case Dismissed after pretrial diversion (Conditional Dismissal) in Dallas
Client had hired another attorney who could not get the DA to come off of 2 years probation after nearly a year on the case. Client hired Corrigan who got client into Batterer’s Intervention and Prevention Program (Family Violence Counseling) immediately. Corrigan also interviewed the victim who did not want to prosecute but did not know who to talk to or what to do to help. Corrigan educated her on her role in the process as well as the DA’s role and concerns. Corrigan coordinated the victim talking to the DA to speed up the process. After the victim talked to the DA, Corrigan convinced the DA that client’s efforts in BIPP, the victim’s position on the case, and client’s immigration status weighed against pursuing the case further. The DA agreed and the case was dismissed when BIPP was completed. The case is eligible to be expunged.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

October 18, 2013
Probation Reinstated on Motion to Adjudicate for Felony Assault Bodily Injury/Family Violence and Continuance Family Violence Cases in Dallas
Client had multiple dirty UAs and stopped reporting. Corrigan was hire by family and contacted client in jail. Corrigan convinced client that recovery was the only path to success. DA offered 4 years in prison but was open to SAFP which was the expected recommendation of the probation department. Corrigan built up impressive references about client’s work ethic and commitment to his special needs son. Corrigan has pointed out the strange factual basis for the underlying case. Corrigan also found an inpatient rehab that the family could afford. Corrigan convinced the DA to agree to reinstate client with placement in the 30 day inpatient program instead of the 6+ lockdown SAFP program.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

October 9, 2013
Felony Possession of a Weapon in a Prohibited Place No-Billed by Grand Jury in Dallas
Immediate Expunction Granted
Client was caught with a knife at Love Field Airport and was arrested for a felony offense. Corrigan presented the entire history of the incident and made clear that this was inadvertent and that prosecution would be overkill. The Grand Jury agreed and No-Billed the charge. Normally, there is a 3 year waiting period (the Statute of Limitations) for this offense to get the case expunged, but Corrigan convinced the DA to agree to an immediate expunction after hearing about client’s work background, education, and family. Client can now again say that he has never been arrested.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

September 17, 2013
Memo Agreement Granted for Shoplifting/Theft $50 in Dallas – Case Dismissed
Grand Prairie Class C Theft Dismissed after Deferred Disposition
Dallas shoplifting case not filed
Middle aged professional woman was caught shoplifting 3 times by Dallas and Grand Prairie P.D.s in a short period of time. Client hired Corrigan who got the Grand Prairie case set then convinced Dallas not to file a municipal case. Instead, Dallas PD only filed one charge at the county level. At the county level, Corrigan convinced the State to grant a pretrial diversion or a “Memo Agreement.” The client did community service and an anti-theft course and the case was dismissed. Corrigan got a deferred disposition granted with a $100 fine on the Grand Prairie case and it was dismissed after 90 days. Both cases are now eligible for expunction.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

July 12, 2013
Expunction Granted in Dallas County for Assault Contact Family Violence case in Rowlett after deferred disposition
Client had completed a deferred disposition for an assault contact family violence in Rowlett. Client completed the deferral period and the case was dismissed. Client hired Corrigan who filed a petition in district court and had the case expunged even though the Statute of Limitations had not yet run. Corrigan convinced the DA to agree to expunge the case a year early due to character references and career opportunities presented about client by Corrigan.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

June 20, 2013
5 years Deferred Adjudication Granted for Possession with Intent to Deliver 4 Grams Penalty Group 1 in Dallas
Client was arrested with over 4 grams of Ecstasy (MDMA) and was charged with a first degree felony. The State was pursuing 5 years in prison. Corrigan got client into drug treatment and presented client’s sympathetic life story involving mental health, depression, and addiction. Corrigan convinced the DA that a prison sentence or even a felony conviction were not warranted.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

June 17, 2013
Motion to Adjudicate/Probation Violation on Aggravated Robbery with a Deadly Weapon case Dropped; Client completed Discharged from Probation in Dallas
Client was charged with Aggravated Robbery as a party (accomplice) 6 years ago during a time when he was very messed up in methamphetamine and cocaine. He received deferred adjudication but did not stop his drug use. He panicked after a dirty UA and fled the state after less than a year on probation. He recently was arrested and extradited to Texas. Family hired Corrigan and Corrigan showed the DA clients’ commitment to work, school, and sobriety through character references plus got client’s family to get his fees current. Corrigan convinced the DA to withdraw the motion to adjudicate and discharge him off probation successfully. The case will be eligible for an order of nondisclosure in 5 years.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

May 22, 2013
Assault Family Violence Case Dismissed after Conditional Dismissal in Dallas
Client was a college student arrest for assaulting his girlfriend in Dallas. It was apparent that client had a drinking problem. Corrigan immediately enrolled client in alcohol education and batterer’s intervention and prevent program (family violence counseling). At the first court setting, client was well into working Corrigan’s plan and the DA was impressed. Along with the classes, Corrigan presented college transcripts and character references. Within a month from the first setting the DA approved a conditional dismissal. The case is eligible to be expunged.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

May 10, 2013
Dallas Probation Violation – Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon case – Motion to Adjudicate Withdrawn and probation fully reinstated despite out-of-state arrest for Assault
Client was on deferred adjudication for AA/DW in Dallas, but it had been transferred to his home out-of-state. Client got arrested for Assault and was extradited to Texas. Client’s girlfriend hired Corrigan and Corrigan put together an impressive breakdown of client’s progress in college and work while on probation. Corrigan also found out there was a status hearing on the new assault case in client’ s home state and contacted client’s court appointed lawyer whom the client hated. The lawyer was going to show up and withdraw from the case, but Corrigan convinced the lawyer to show up and see if they would dismiss the case in light of all the time client had spent in jail already and potentially going forward in Texas. The next day the court appointed lawyer showed up and Corrigan’s plan worked: the new case was dismissed. Corrigan ordered a certified copy of the dismissal and presented it along with client’s transcripts, resumes, and character references from friends and family. The probation was immediately dropped and client was fully reinstated on probation.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

May 3, 2013
Dallas DWI Case dismissed and dropped to Obstruction of a Roadway with deferred adjudication
Client arrested for DWI in Dallas after being pulled over for an expired registration on Greenville Avenue. Corrigan convinced the DA that there evidence was not conclusive and the DA offered an obstruction which client gladly accepted. Upon successful completion, the obstruction can be sealed with an order of nondisclosure and the DWI arrest can be expunged. Client also avoided a $1000 surcharge per year on her driver’s license.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

October 21, 2012
Client reinstated on Felony Drug Case despite 3 new arrests
Client had already rejected SAFP for his drug problems on probation (many dirty UAs) when he got arrested for new misdemeanor drug cases in Dallas. Corrigan arranged to have client evaluated in jail an put together his life history including an early descent into drug use in high school. The prosecutor initially wanted 500 days in state jail for several months but Corrigan eventually convinced the prosecutor to offer reinstatement with SAFP which client accepted.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

October 18, 2012
Probation Reinstated for Felony Possession of a Controlled Substance in Dallas County
Client had an active warrant for dirty UAs and not enrolling in treatment. She also lived hundreds of miles from Dallas and had children to care for as well as elderly parents with health problems. Corrigan marshaled records showing that the UAs could be tied to a legitimate prescription for pain pills and had client enroll in the proper treatment. Corrigan presented the records and convinced the DA to a simple year extension of client’s probation. Client appeared one time in court, was reinstated, and the warrant was recalled. She is back on probation.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

September 25, 2012
Client found “NOT GUILTY” in Assault Trial in Dallas Municipal Court
Client was involved in ongoing child custody and child support disagreements with her ex-boyfriend/father of her child. Client called the police when her ex showed up late (again) with her child. The ex also called the police and reported that client had assaulted his mother and sister during the exchange of their child. During the trial, Corrigan grilled the ex, his mother, and his sister about the event s and presented the client and her mother as witnesses. In the end, the Judge found client NOT GUILTY. This case is eligible to be expunged.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

August 8, 2012
Memo-Agreement/Pretrial Diversion granted for Mesquite shoplifting, Theft $50 case in Dallas County

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

August 2, 2012
Felony Possession of Heroin reduced to misdemeanor with deferred adjudication, Deferred granted in 2 other misdemeanors with a Possession of Marijuana case Dismissed in Dallas County
Client was a heroin addict for over 20 years and had been abusing drugs for nearly 30 years. She was arrested for felony possession of controlled substance (heroin), possession of controlled substance PG3, Possession of Marijuana, and UCW Handgun. She had a history related to guns and marijuana from the late 1980s. Corrigan enrolled client in Intensive Outpatient Treatment and put together the story of client’s life which in part included childhood abuse but also great achievement in academics and music. Corrigan advocated strongly for his client for months during her treatment and won the day when client came through treatment successfully. Client was granted deferred probation and the felony was dropped to a misdemeanor. Client is successful and sober for the first time in her life and this arrest will be eligible to be sealed when client completes probation and a waiting period.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

July 10, 2012
Theft Case Dismissed in Dallas County
Client was arrested for shoplifting in Dallas. Corrigan secured a pretrial diversion, or “Memo Agreement,” for client. Client completed community service and an anti-theft class in exchange for the case being dismissal. The case is eligible for expunction.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

May 23, 2012
Pretrial Diversion or “Memo Agreement” Granted for Theft/Shoplifting case in Dallas County, Case Dismissed
Client was arrested for shoplifting in Mesquite, Texas. Corrigan secured a pretrial diversion, or “Memo Agreement,” for client where she was allowed to do community service and an anti-theft class in exchange for the case being dismissal. The arrest will be eligible for expunction.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

May 17, 2012
Jury Finds Client NOT GUILTY in Second Degree Possession of Controlled Substance Jury Trial
Client caused a disturbance in a recreation center in Dallas and the police were called. The police made contact with client outside the center, questioned him, searched him and found over 4 grams of crack cocaine in his pants pocket. Client had been to prison several times and was looking at 25-Life if convicted. Corrigan filed a Motion to Suppress evidence claiming that the officer’s search was illegal. The Judge disagreed and the case went to jury trial. Corrigan cross-examined the officers vigorously and impeached them with Defense exhibits of the scene as well as inconsistencies in their reports. Corrigan requested a jury instruction utilizing 38.23 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure and argued to the jury that the search was illegal. The jury deliberated for just under 5 hours before acquitting Corrigan’s client and finding him “NOT GUILTY.” A post-trial interview with the jury found that it was never even close with even early votes being 10-2 for not guilty.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

May 3, 2012
Client given “time served” for 0.24 BAC Driving While Intoxicated with an Accident Charge in Dallas
Corrigan had already gotten client continued on probation for Delivery of a Controlled Substance 4-200 grams after this DWI arrest where he was 3 times the legal limit and hit another vehicle. He got client into intensive outpatient treatment, had him complete DWI Education, and Victim Impact Panel. Client was then placed in ISFP facility for 90 days which he successfully completed. Client then enrolled in after-care at Corrigan’s urging and was doing well. Corrigan then convinced the Judge to give client time served for the DWI charge with no additional fines, court costs, fees, or interlock.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

October 26, 2011
Client gets deferred probation for First Degree Theft $200,000 in Dallas County
Client had a prior felony probation and got caught with heroin. Corrigan organized her treatment history and the fact that she had watched a friend overdose before being arrested to convince him that she was ready for treatment. Corrigan also convinced the judge that outpatient would be a better fit for her than lock-down treatment.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

September 21, 2011
Client gets deferred probation for First Degree Theft $200,000 in Dallas County
Client charged with theft related to fraudulent sale of tractor-trailers from other parts of the country to buyers in Dallas. Corrigan convinced the DA to offer deferred and also negotiated cutting the restitution in half and waiving the fine.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

July 14, 2011
Client granted probation on 5 Felony Offenses in Dallas County
Client is a convicted felon and is arrested for 3 felonies in 2009 a first degree Possession with Intent to Deliver a Controlled Substance, possession of a firearm by a felon, and possession of a controlled substance 1 gram. After making bond, he absconds. In 2011, he is arrested for 2 more felonies evading arrest in a motor vehicle and possession of a controlled substance 1 gram. Corrigan gets clients family, friend, and co-workers together and prepared to testify on client’s behalf. Corrigan prepares client and refers him for a substance abuse evaluation. Ultimately and a hearing, Corrigan convince the judge to grant probation with treatment for substance abuse.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

July 8, 2011
Felony Injury to a Child dropped to a misdemeanor in Dallas County
Client was accused of threatening to kill and hitting his adopted daughter with a belt causing visible bruising. Corrigan referred client to parenting classes, anger management, and additional individual counseling. Client was reunited with his daughter and no additional CPS action was taken. Eventually, Corrigan convinced the DA to drop the felony and allow client to plead to a simple assault, a class A misdemeanor with 2 years probation.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

July 5, 2011
Felony Indecency with a Child by Exposure dropped to misdemeanor in Dallas County
Client was accused of exposing himself in view of a young girl out his front window. Client had been charged with the same conduct 30 years before but the case was dropped. Corrigan convinced the DA to dropped the case to a misdemeanor indecent exposure because of the client’s age and health. No sex offender registration and no sex offender counseling and only 2 years probation.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

May 23, 2011
Assault Bodily Injury/Enhanced/Habitual Offender dropped to a Class A Misdemeanor in Dallas
Client was on parole and got in a fight with his roommate. Because of Client’s history he was looking at up to 20 years in prison. Corrigan convinced the DA that the victim had credibility issues and the DA dropped the case all the way down to a Class A misdemeanor and gave Client his backtime with no finding of family violence.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

April 23, 2011
Assault Family Violence Impeding Case No-Billed by Dallas County Grand Jury (case dropped)
Client was arrested for Assault Family Violence Impeding/Strangulation in Irving, a third degree felony. Corrigan interviewed the victim, talked to the DA, prepared a letter for consideration by the Grand Jury, and arranged for the victim to appear at Grand Jury. The case was No-Billed and the case is dropped.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

April 11, 2011
Dallas County DWI Probation reinstated
Driving With A Suspended License case Dismissed in Dallas County
Client was on probation for a DWI. His license got suspended for non-payment of his surcharge and failure to complete a DWI education class and client got pulled over and arrested for Driving with a Suspending License. As a result, a motion to revoke was filed on his DWI probation. Client hired Corrigan with an active warrant and not knowing what to do. Corrigan got a PR bond on the probation violation so that client did not have to post another bond and got to work on the case. Corrigan sorted through license suspension red-tape and convinced the DA to dismiss the DWLS and reinstate his DWI probation.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

April 7, 2011
Deferred Adjudication granted for Aggravated Robbery case in Dallas County
Client robbed a man with a shotgun and the DA was offering prison time. Corrigan marshaled character witnesses for Client and convinced the judge that prison was excessive. Judge granted deferred probation with the client attending a life skills camp.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

March 25, 2011
First Degree Felony Aggravated Robbery with a Deadly Weapon drop to State Jail Theft with deferred adjudication in Dallas County
Client was helping her relative mug people at DART stations near 75 Central. Corrigan convinced DA to drop the case down to a state jail theft with deferred adjudication.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

March 25, 2011
Assault Family Violence Impeding case No-Billed By Dallas County Grand Jury (case dropped)
Client was on Felony Probation for Evading Arrest/Detention. He was arrested for a 3rd degree felony assault for an incident with his girlfriend. He was also arrested for resisting arrest. These offense violated his probation and he was looking at up to 2 years day-for-day on a revocation and up to 10 years in prison on the Assault charge. Corrigan interviewed the complainant, took pictures of his client, talked to the DA, and prepared a packet of information for the Grand Jury. Based on Corrigan’s work, the assault case was “No-Billed” and the case was dropped. Corrigan then negotiated for Client to plea to his backtime in the county jail on the misdemeanor. Client is now free and off probation with no pending charges.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

December 10, 2011
Indecency with a Child Case No-Billed by the Dallas County Grand Jury
Client is accused of molesting his 4 year-old half-sister. His step-mother is the primary accuser. Corrigan believes in client’s innocence from the first meeting. Through interviews with friends and family, Corrigan constructs a detailed history of drug abuse, lies, theft, and false accusations by step-mother against client’s father, as well as a nasty custody bat tle and divorce. Corrigan quickly schedules client to do a polygraph with a highly respected former DPS Investigator and Lieutenant. Client passes his polygraph and Corrigan gets all materials to the DA before Grand Jury and convinces the DA of his innocence and DA recommends a “No-Bill” to the Grand Jury: Case Closed.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

November 10, 2011
Client given time served on 4 Felony Harassment Charges, a Burglary of a Building, and Failure to ID
Client was severely mentally ill and had committed a burglary in a local hospital. Client also had a colostomy bag which required jail and mental health staff to interact regularly with client. It also resulted in multiple “Chunking” allegations involving the throwing of feces by client. Before Corrigan was on the case and for several months after, the DA was offering prison time. Corrigan read through thousands of pages of mental health and jail records detailing the history of client. Eventually, Corrigan convinced the DA and the mental health staff in Dallas County that prison was not the answer, nor was probation. Client was given a year in the county (at 3 for 1) which he easily had in backtime. He is now home with his family and working on his mental health.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

February 17, 2011
Forgery charge dropped to a Class C misdemeanor in Dallas County
Client passed a forged check that she claimed was a payroll check. Attorney Corrigan convinced the D.A. to drop the case to a Class C theft by check and give her deferred probation. Client is now eligible for a petition of non-disclosure to get this off her record.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

February 13, 2011
Client found “Not-Guilty” of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon at trial in Dallas County
Client was arrested related to stabbing a woman in the face with a kitchen knife. The defense was self-defense. The case was tried to the judge instead of the Jury. Judge found client “Not Guilty” of Aggravated Assault but guilty of “Class C” Assault-offensive contact. A class C is as serious as a traffic ticket and is punished by fine only and Attorney Corrigan convinced the judge to give the client a suspended sentence. Client is now eligible for a petition of non-disclosure to get this off her record.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

February 9, 2011
Tampering with a Government Record Charge dropped to a misdemeanor in Dallas County
Client was fraudulently passing people’s automobiles for emissions test and he was caught in a sting by DPS investigators. Attorney Corrigan convinced the DA to misdemeanor and got him deferred probation. After Client completed 8 months of his 2 year probation, Attorney Corrigan successfully petitioned the court to release Client from probation. He is now eligible for a petition of non-disclosure to get this off his record.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

January 25, 2011
Felony Assault/Impeding Case “No-Billed” by Grand Jury
Aggravated Robbery probation reinstated Dallas County
Client was on probation for first-degree felony Aggravated Robbery and had been to prison before, so he was look at 15 years in prison minimum if his probation was violated. Client was arrested for allegedly strangling his girlfriend. Attorney Corrigan jumped on the case and found eyewitnesses who could challenge the complainant’s version. Attorney Corrigan’s evidence packet was submitted to the Grand Jury and the case was “No-Billed” (dropped). Next, Attorney Corrigan convinced the court to reinstate Client on probation, freeing him clear of all charges.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

January 25, 2011
Assault/Family Violence Enhanced Case “No-Billed” by Grand Jury in Dallas County
Client was charged with assaulting his wife of 30 years. Attorney Corrigan presented an evidence packet to the Grand Jury that included several unfiled cases related to violence by the complainant against the defendant in the same time period as well as a history of previous false allegations made by the complainant. The case was “No-Billed” by the Grand Jury and Client was freed and cleared of the charges.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

January 10, 2011
Felony Family Violence Assault dropped to a misdemeanor Class A in Dallas County

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

November 11, 2010
First Degree Felony Manufacturing/ Delivery of a Controlled Substance Charge Dismissed in Dallas County
Client was the rear passenger in a vehicle that was stopped and searched by the D.E.A. The government agents found over 450 grams of methamphetamine. An amount that would ensure a minimum penalty of 10-Life in prison. After a review of the State’s evidence and conference with his Client, Attorney Corrigan convinced the prosecutor to dismiss the charge.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

September 30, 2010
Aggravated Robbery Probation Reinstated in Dallas County.
Brian Corrigan is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Client was arrested on new Aggravated Assault case and a motion to adjudicate was filed. Client was facing 5-99 or life on a revocation after picking up a new Aggravated Assault. The Grand Jury No-billed the new charge and Corrigan convinced the judge to reinstate the clients probation.

September 16, 2010
Felony Theft Probation Reinstated in Dallas County
Brian Corrigan is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Defendant was arrested on his second motion to revoke. Corrigan made a deal where client could get released from jail for a 30 day period to get caught up on his restitution. Client fell short on paying all money as promised but was still reinstated.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

Client Testimonials

“The best Lawyer in Texas and the best attorney for domestic violence cases. I met with 4 to 5 different lawyers and I selected Brian Charles Corrigan. His customer service is excellent. I never had to worry about remembering anything like my dates he always kept me informed. He picked up his phone...


“Brian is the BOMB… after making one bad decision I made an EXCELLENT decision of hiring Brian to represent me. He had all the charges dropped even before the 1st Court Hearing by working with the DA. Additionally he got me an Early Expunction. I met Brian in May 2013 for my case and all the charges...


“10++ stars. This is the most knowledgeable assertive attorney in criminal defense. He is worth his weight in gold!! He took care of my situation quickly and kept me informed the entire time. He is a attorney that truly cares about his clients and that is hard to find. I highly recommend this...


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