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Rockwall County Cases

October 31, 2013
Assault Contact Family Violence case Dismissed in Rockwall
Client was arrested for assaulting his ex-wife in front of his home. Corrigan put together a troubling history related to the ex-wife which cast huge doubts about her credibility. In the end, client had to do 3 hours of anger management and the case was dismissed. It is eligible to be expunged.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

October 16, 2013
Third Degree Felony Fraudulent Possession of Controlled Substance Penalty Group III/IV reduced to State Jail Felony in Rockwall
Pled to minimum sentence on Collin County Felony Probation violation
Client stole hydrocodone from a nursing home that she worked in and client confessed to the police. She was already on felony probation in Collin County for Fraudulent Use or Possession of Identifying Information. Corrigan worked out a deal to drop the case to a state jail with the minimum of 180 days as punishment in Rockwall. Corrigan then had client confess to her probation officer with appropriate remorse. Probation and the DA were impressed with client’s honesty and Corrigan was able to work out a deal in Collin County to run concurrently with Rockwall with no additional time served.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

October 7, 2013
.15 Alcohol Concentration alleged dropped, No Interlock, in Rockwall DWI case
Potential Felony DWI Child case avoided
ALR (Administrative License Revocation) Dismissed
Client was pulled over after dropping off his son. He had just picked up his son after going to a party and a witness saw his bad driving and the fact that there was a child in the car. The witness called 911 and the police responded and witnessed more weaving. The police investigated the case, arrest client, and client blew a .15. Corrigan enrolled client in DWI Education, Victim Impact Panel, and compiled character references and client’s background of being a good guy and small businessman. Corrigan convinced the DA to not pursue felony DWI child, to drop the .15 allegation which saved client the $2000 a year surcharge on his driver’s license, and to not require interlock. Corrigan also appeared for the ALR hearing and forced DPS to dismiss when they could not produce the officer so client’s license was never suspended.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

September 27, 2013
Public Intoxication case dismiss and Expunged in Rockwall
Client was cited for Public Intoxication walking away from the Harbors after going out for drinks and food at the harbors. Corrigan put together witness statements explaining that client was walking home to escape an intoxicated attacker who had assaulted after he talked to a young woman at Agave. Corrigan also put together client’s background including impressive college athletic and academic achievement. Corrigan also enrolled client in an alcohol education class. Corrigan presented these materials and the prosecutor dismissed the case at the first court hearing. Corrigan then immediately filed for an expunction which was granted six weeks later. Client can now legally say that this incident never happened.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

September 13, 2013
Rockwall DWI case reduced to 13 months probation despite .13 Breath Alcohol Concentration
Administrative License Revocation case Dismissed
Client was arrested for DWI after being pulled over for weaving and driving off the road. It because apparent that client was obviously intoxicated and lost trying to get home out-of-county from the Harbors. Client blew a .13, significantly over the legal limit of .08. The case was strong for the government, but Corrigan fought the ALR and got client into DWI Education and Victim Impact Panel. At the hearing, DPS did not produce the officer so the license suspension was dropped. Back at the county level, Corrigan put together client’s background and his efforts through his classes and convinced the DA to come down to 13 months probation (from 18 months) and only 30 hours of community services (down from 50).

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

September 9, 2013
Juvenile Theft/Shoplifting case dropped in Rockwall
Client was arrested for shoplifting. Corrigan put together client’s background, grades, and enrolled client in an Anti-Theft class before even meeting with probation. Probation was impressed and closed the case with no further action.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

August 29, 2013
Probation granted for Failure to Register as a Sex Offender in Rockwall
Rockwall rarely grants probation for this offense. Client had been registering in Royse City each year when a detective would contact him (although the detective was not required to do this). An investigative change resulted in the new detective not initiated contact with client prior to the registration anniversary. When client did not get contacted by law enforcement to renew registration, he did not initiate contact on his own. An annual survey of sex offenders resulted in law enforcement discovering that client had not renewed his registration and this case was filed. Client hired a different attorney who could not the DA to come off of prison time. Client hired Corrigan who put together client’s life story including 25 years of crime-free living, work, marriage, and successful treatment. Corrigan also had client complete a current and complete sex offender risk assessment which showed he was reformed and low risk to re-offend. Corrigan convinced the DA to offer 10 years probation.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

August 8, 2013
Possession of Controlled Substance Case Dismissed
Administrative License Revocation (ALR) case Dismissed
12 month probation granted for Driving While Intoxicated case in Rockwall
Client was arrested for DWI and possession of Xanax. She was obviously intoxicated and did not have a prescription for the Xanax. Corrigan set the ALR for a hearing and got the suspension dismissed so client’s license was never suspended. He put together client’s background including a successful career as a mechanic and enrolled her in DWI Education and MADD Victim Impact Panel. Corrigan also obtained medical records showing that client had been diagnosed with chronic anxiety but she stopped renewing her Xanax prescription due to finances. Corrigan got the DA to drop the drug case with only 12 months probation on the DWI case.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

July 19, 2013
Possession of Marijuana case dismissed in Rockwall
Client was pulled over in Rockwall traveling home out-of-state from Austin. The police smelled marijuana in the vehicle and legally searched and found marijuana. Client was starting graduate school and was worried about this case derailing his career in the world of government-funded scientific research. Corrigan put together client’s life story, educational success, and enrolled him in drug offender education. In the end, Corrigan convinced the Rockwall County Assistant DA to drop the case altogether.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

July 16, 2013
Felony Theft reduced to a misdemeanor with deferred adjudication in Rockwall
Client was busted by undercover police officers related to the purchase of stolen catalytic converters. Corrigan put together client’s life story as a dedicated family man and hard-worker. Corrigan also documented client’s legitimate income showing that this conduct was not his norm. In the end, Corrigan convinced the prosecutor to drop the case to a misdemeanor with 1 year of deferred adjudication. Client will be eligible to have the record sealed with an order of nondisclosure immediately after completing the probation.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

June 14, 2013
Deferred Adjudication granted for Harboring a Fugitive case, Theft case Dismissed in Rockwall

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

April 30, 2013
Delivery of Controlled Substance results in jury punishment verdict 7 years in prison LOWER than the State’s Offer after trial in Rockwall
Client had been dealing marijuana and cocaine on and off for several years. He got arrested after delivering more that 1 gram of cocaine to an undercover police officer while already on felony probation in Dallas for possession of cocaine. It was a slam dunk case. The D.A. was offering 10 years in prison. Rockwall is a tough jurisdiction and never offers probation for delivery cases regardless of the age of the defendant or criminal history. After client hired Corrigan, Corrigan watched for the warrant to go active from the imminent Dallas motion to adjudicate. When the warrant went active, Corrigan filed a motion to set bond, got a bond set, and got client to surrender himself and get released. Corrigan built the trust of client that a plan of treatment and rebuilding his life was the only path to more freedom. Corrigan then got client into intensive outpatient treatment immediately where client thrived. Client reunited with his family and stayed off drugs for the longest period of his life since he was a teenager. Corrigan tried the case to the jury on punishment and convinced the jury that the D.A.’s offer was too harsh. In the end, the jury only gave 3 years even though it was clear that he had been dealing drugs for a long time. Client was eligible for parole after only 9 months. Corrigan also got 3 years to run concurrently on the Dallas probation violation adding no additional time to client’s Rockwall sentence.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

April 26, 2013
Possession of Marijuana case Dismissed in Rockwall after Pretrial Diversion
Client was pulled over for speeding and improper lane changes. During the stop, the officer had seen client move her had to and from the direction of the glove box. Officer legally searched that area for potential weapons and found marijuana. Although client was older than the normal candidate for a pretrial diversion, Corrigan convinced the prosecutor to grant it to client due to drug addiction following the tragic death of a loved one. Corrigan enrolled client in intensive outpatient treatment and drug offender education prior to any court dates and when completed, convinced the prosecutor to dismiss the charges.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

April 22, 2013
Juvenile Assault Bodily Injury dropped through Deferred Prosecution in Rockwall
Client assaulted a fellow student. Family hired Corrigan and he went to work detailing the story of client’s life, including ADHD under treatment, the death of a sibling, as well as positive aspects like dedication to athletics. In the end, Corrigan convince juvenile probation that no case should be filed. Instead, Client was supervised informally for 6 months. After that time the case will be administratively closed with no court filings of any kind.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

March 18, 2013
Second Degree Felony Indecency with a Child Case reduced to Class A Assault in Rockwall
Client is arrested for Indecency with his step-daughter. Corrigan gets client into treatment immediately and client makes great progress for several months before the case goes to Grand Jury. In the end, the assistant district attorney and the mother of the victim are impressed with client’s progress and do not want to take the case to trial or insist on sex offender registration. Corrigan convinces the prosecutor to drop the case to a Class A misdemeanor. Client does not have a felony on his record nor will he have to register as a sex offender.

Results are case specific and do not imp ly that a particular result will be reached in your case.

February 28, 2013
2 Counts of Assault/Family Violence Dismissed and Expunged in Rockwall
Client assaulted 2 people in a public place over a very personal grievance. Given the sympathetic facts of the case, Corrigan convinced the prosecutor to dismiss one case and grant a deferred disposition in the other. After 6 months, the deferred disposition case was dismissed and Corrigan filed for an early expunction which was granted. Client can now say that she was never arrested for this offense.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

February 6, 2013
Misdemeanor Possession of Marijuana, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, and Theft $50 Dismissed in Rockwall
Client was arrested for shoplifting and had marijuana on her person. On a different day, she was pulled over on traffic and cited for drug paraphernalia. Corrigan got client into drug offender education and life skills anti-theft courses. With her proactive steps and youth, Corrigan got client a pretrial diversion which she completed. All cases were then dismissed and are eligible for expunction.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

November 28, 2012
Petition for Non-disclosure Granted for Misdemeanor Possession of Marijuana case in Rockwall
Client had completed a deferred probation and hired Corrigan to get the record sealed. Client can now legally say that the arrest never happened.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

November 8, 2012
Misdemeanor Possession of Dangerous Drug Case Dismissed
Non-reporting deferred probation granted for Misdemeanor Possession of Marijuana case in Rockwall
Client arrested with Xanax and marijuana on a traffic stop. Corrigan got client into drug offender education and collected records related to client’s college credits. Corrigan convinced DA to drop the Xanax case and plea the marijuana to a non-reporting probation. Client will be able to have a non-disclosure granted when his probation is up.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

November 2, 2012
Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity (First Degree Felony) reduced to Class A Assault with 2 years probation in Rockwall
Client was charged with several co-defendants in a home-invasion assault. The initial offers were for pen time. The case was set for trial and character issues came to light that made the D.A.’s Office question the credibility of their victim. Corrigan convinced them to drop it to a misdemeanor.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

October 29, 2012
Misdemeanor Theft $50-$500 case dismissed in Rockwall
Client was caught shoplifting and hired Corrigan. Corrigan investigated the facts and proved that it was at first inadvertent to the prosecutor. Then Corrigan organized the client’s background of turmoil in her life, particularly divorce and financial. Corrigan also had client complete a life skills, anti-theft course. Ultimately, Corrigan convinced the prosecutor to dismiss it altogether. The case will be eligible for expunction.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

October 24, 2012
Interference with 911 Call Case Dismissed in Rockwall County
Client was on Felony probation for possession of controlled substance and had already completed SAFP Special Needs when the police responded to a disturbance at his home. He was cited for Class C Assault. Weeks later he discovered that the police had also referred a Class A Interference with a 911 call to the District Attorney and he feared violating his probation. Client hired Corrrigan who discovered that a warrant was already active for the Interference case. On the same day client was due back in court on the Class C Assault, Corrigan got a bond set and arranged for his surrender/making bond just in time to make his court date. Corrigan fully interview the complainant who made clear that she did not want to go to court for any of the cases. Corrigan appeared, ready for trial, and the Assault case was dismissed when the complainant did not show. Then Corrigan interviewed client and his family and put together client’s tragic history of vicious child abuse at the hands of his father and resulting mental illness and depression. Corrigan convinced the Rockwall prosecutor to dismiss the 911 case with a modification of his current probation to include additional therapy. Corrigan then convince the Dallas prosecutor to continue client on probation before a warrant was issued or the motion to adjudicate was ever filed.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

October 18, 2012
Assault Family Violence case Dismissed in Rockwall County
Client was arrested for Assault Family Violence in Rockwall for an incident involving his wife. His wife filed an affidavit of nonprosecution but the prosecutor insisted on pursuing the matter and offered 2 years probation with a finding of family violence. Client was fearful of his professional licensing being affected and hired Corrigan. Corrigan fully interviewed the wife and identified some factual problems. Corrigan also got client into family violence counseling. Corrigan pointed out the problems in the case and suggested a pretrial diversion with the counseling that client had already begun. The prosecutor eventually relented and dismissed the case when client’s counseling was complete. The case is eligible for an expunction.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

October 17, 2012
Felony Possession of Controlled Substance Case Probation Reinstated in Dallas

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

September 27, 2012
Non-Reporting Deferred Probation granted with a $200 fine for Possession of CS PG2<1G in Rockwall
Client tried to bond out when family hired Corrigan and found a warrant for an Assault in Dallas. Corrigan got a PR bond the same day and client was released. Client was in a car with others where marijuana had been admittedly smoked and police search vehicle finding hydrocodone and clonazapam. Corrigan enrolled client in drug education and supplied client’s history of anxiety and pain management although she did not have a prescription for any of the drugs. Corrigan secured a non-reporting deferred probation and the case will be eligible for a petition for a non-disclosure.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

September 26, 2012
Assault Class C Case Dismissed in Rockwall

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

September 21, 2012
Probation granted with no fine for Driving While Intoxicated case, Accident Involving Damage to a Vehicle => $200 case Dismissed in Rockwall
Client had 2 Intoxication related incident in a vehicle related to abuse of prescription drugs. Client at one point while the case was pending attempted suicide. Corrigan put together the story of client’s life, including previous mental health treatment, and took charge of managing a gameplan for client’s treatment. Client got clean and completed a 6-month Intensive Outpatient Treatment. Client’s efforts along with Corrigan’s achieved a dismissal on one charge and favorable probation on the DWI case.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

September 7, 2012
Probation Granted on Intoxication Assault with work release on statutory mandated jail-time in Rockwall
Client ran over and nearly killed her boyfriend with her vehicle while intoxicated. Thanks in part to Corrigan’s efforts, the prosecutor eventually became convinced that it was an accident and not intentional. Corrigan interviewed client’s entire family about client’s background and life story and also enrolled client in DWI related classes and treatment. The initial offer was prison time but Corrigan secured an agreement for probation.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

September 6, 2012
Possession of Dangerous Drug Case Rejected by District Attorney before being filed in Court in Rockwall
Client was involved in a domestic disturbance and the police responded. He was in possession of Lortab but could not supply a current prescription. In fact, he had borrowed the drug from a relative (technically illegal). He was also on bond for a Felony DWI, so he was in danger of being jailed until trial. Corrigan got all of clients prescriptions, pharmacy records, and physician note showing that the gap between his prescription being used and the filling of his next prescription was only a matter of days and there was no sign of over-use or abuse. Case rejected and eligible for expunction.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

September 4, 2012
Client receives deferred probation for Forgery despite 3 prior felonies in Dallas
Corrigan had already secured SAFP (drug treatment) for his client on felony possession of controlled substance charges in Rockwall despite prior drug-related felonies when another felony warrant was discovered in Dallas for a Forgery. Corrigan took the same materials showing client’s early exposure to drugs as a child by his father as well as the proof of going to SAFP from Rockwall. Dallas granted a concurrent deferred probation with no fine and agreed to a PR bond to allow client to go to SAFP without problems. Client went to court on his own with Corrigan after SAFP and formalized his agreement.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

June 28, 2012
Accident Involving Damage to a Vehicle >= $200 case Dismissed in Rockwall
Corrigan convinced the prosecutor that the damage resulted from a pure accident and that client’s leaving the season was just a momentary lapse of reason. Full restitution was tendered and the case was dismissed. It is eligible for expunction.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

May 25, 2012
Petition for Nondisclosure Granted for Theft Case in Rockwall County – Court and Arrest Records Sealed
Client lived out a deferred adjudication from a 2007 arrest for theft. Client hired Corrigan to seal the record. Now, the arrest is sealed and will be off her record for job interviews.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

May 3, 2012
Probation Granted for Money Laundering Case in Rockwall County
Client was arrested with several co-defendants from out-of-state, when officers found $30,000 of unexplained money. The evidence in the case pointed to narcotics trafficking and other co-defendants in the case went to prison. Corrigan presented positive information about the circumstances and client’s life and convinced the DA that probation was the best option.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

Probation Granted for Manufacture/Delivery of Controlled Substance PG – <28 grams (Xanax) in Rockwall Count y; 2 Possession of Marijuana Cases Dismissed
Evidence proved that client was a drug dealer, selling Xanax and marijuana among other substances. Corrigan investigated client’s background, including an abusive, drug addict/drug dealing father as well as client’s own problems with drug abuse and addiction. In the end, Corrigan convinced the DA to offer probation and dismiss the 2 misdemeanor cases.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

May 1, 2012
Possession of Dangerous Drugs and Marijuana Case Expunged after Dismissal in Rockwall County
Last year, Corrigan represented client on these charges when they were new and he got them all dismissed. Client rehired Corrigan to expunge the records. Now, client can legally say that this arrest never happened.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

April 29, 2012
Driving While Intoxicated Case Dismissed in Rockwall County
Client was arrest for DWI in Royce City in the late summer of 2010. After evaluating the case with Corrigan, client decided to go to trial. Corrigan also got client an occupational license. Corrigan and client were ready for trial multiple times with the State not producing the officer who was unavailable. Corrigan filed a Motion for Speedy Trial and, later in the case, a Motion to Dismiss for Want of a Speedy Trial. The judge granted the motion and the case is now eligible for expunction.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

April 23, 2012
Assault case dismissed in Fate, Texas
Client was charged with assaulting her ex-husband. Corrigan thought the case was ridiculous and a clear case of self-defense under the “Castle Doctrine.” The alleged incident happened in client’s home and the “victim” had entered client’s home without her permission. When the prosecutor did not back down, Corrigan set the case for trial. At the trial, the State did not produce a witness and the case was dismissed. The case is eligible to be expunged.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

February 23, 2012
Deferred Adjudication granted for Money Laundering case
Client is arrested with nearly $30,000 hidden in his vehicle. The vehicle’s pattern of travel, being from out-of-state, and traveling in a convoy, alerted law enforcement that this was associated with drug trafficking. Client had no ties to the community. Corrigan negotiated a partial settlement of the seized money and convinced the DA to grant probation.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

February 21, 2012
Pretrial Diversion granted for Felony Assault Family Violence Impeding Breath/Circulation in Rockwall
Client arrested and alleged to have impeded his girlfriend’s breathing by grabbing her neck. She also had visible bruising on her face. DA offered felony probation and the case was set for trial. Meanwhile, victim became uncooperative with the State. Early on, Corrigan referred his client to family violence counseling and it was completed before the trial setting. The completion of the treatment and the uncooperative victim opened the DA to a pretrial diversion. The arrest will be eligible to be expunged once the pretrial diversion is completed and the case is dismissed.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

January 30, 2012
DWI Probation dropped to 15 months with a $400 fine and Open Container allegation struck ALR Suspension Rescinded in Rockwall
Client was obviously intoxicated with an open container although client refused to give a breath specimen. Corrigan requested an in person ALR hearing with counsel and DPS had to drop the case when the agency did not submit the case quickly enough. Client kept a valid license throughout the case. In county court, client completed DWI Education and Victim Impact Panel ahead of time. Despite the strength of the State’s evidence, Corrigan convinced the DA to drop the open container, drop the fine to $400, and drop the probation to 15 months.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

December 1, 2011
Client granted deferred adjudication for Indecency with a Child in Rockwall County

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

November 21, 2011
Obstruction of a Roadway probation reinstated, Assault case dropped in Rockwall County
Corrigan had gotten his client an Obstruction on a DWI and then he assaulted his grandfather while on probation. Grandfather did not want to press charges. Corrigan got records showing client was mentally ill and got a treatment program established by his therapist. DA agreed to drop the Assault and reinstate the probation with the new treatment recommendations.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

October 13, 2011
Probation and drug treatment granted for convicted felon with a new Possession of Heroin and 2 Possession of Dangerous Drug cases in Rockwall County
Corrigan contacted by client’s mother about client who is a heroin addict and in the county jail. From interviews and previous failed rehab records, Corrigan constructs a case history that includes abuse and exposure to narcotics and drug dealing as a child. Corrigan convinces that the normal prison recommendation is not appropriate for client and his is granted lock-down drug treatment with probation.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

June 22, 2011
Felony Possession of Marijuana 5-50 pounds Dismissed in Rockwall County
Client is the passenger in a vehicle pulled over on traffic by the Rockwall Police Department. Client had a small amount of marijuana in her person, but a larger amount was found in the trunk. Client’s uncle claimed the marijuana in her purse and Corrigan convinced the DA that there was insufficient “affirmative links” to tie Client to the large amount of marijuana in the trunk. Case Dismissed.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

May 27, 2011
Criminal Mischief case dismissed and DWI probation dropped to 13 months in Rockwall
Client was obviously intoxicated and got into a roadrage incident with a woman at a stoplight and punched and cracked her windshield. Client was arrested for Criminal Mischief and Driving While Intoxicated. Corrigan quickly got client into Anger Management, Alcohol Education, and DWI Education. Based on this quick action, Corrigan convinced DA to dismiss the criminal mischief altogether with no restitution and cut 6 months and 20 hours of community service off of Client’s DWI probation.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

March 14, 2011
Possession of Marijuana case dropped in Rockwall County
Client is a highly regarded math teacher in a large DFW school district. On Halloween, he was pulled over and found to be in possession of marijuana. A marijuana probation would have resulted in a suspension of his license to teach, effectively ending his teaching career. Attorney Corrigan enrolled his Client in drug offender education and marshaled references both personal and professional for his Client. In the end, the D.A. was convinced that the charges could be dropped altogether and Client did not have to even do community serve. He is eligible for an expunction to have the arrest erased from all state and county records.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

May 1, 2011
Public Lewdness Charge Dropped in Rockwall County
Client and co-defendant were engaging in sexual contact outside a club and were arrested by the police. Client was in town for a conference when the incident happened. Corrigan convinced the DA to drop the charge and avoided any negative consequences with his job. Client is also eligible to have the arrest expunged.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

October 28, 2010
Indecency with a Child case dropped to misdemeanor in Rockwall County
Client was alleged to have exposed himself to a teenage girl. Attorney Corrigan convinced D.A. to drop the case to a misdemeanor and serve a few weeks in the county jail, saving Client the need to register as a sex offender for life and the possibility of a 10 year prison sentence.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

October 12, 2010
Misdemeanor Assault Case Dismissed in Rockwall County
Brian Corrigan is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Client got into a fistfight with a former tenant. The former tenant ended up in the hospital with a concussion. Client was arrested by the Rockwall Police. The D.A. recommended jail time for the client’s conduct. Corrigan set the case for trial and the D.A. could not produce the witness and the case was dismissed.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

September 17, 2010
State Jail Possession of a Controlled Substance charge No-Billed by Grand Jury in Rockwall, Texas
Brian Corrigan is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Client is pulled over on traffic for defective tail light. He had warrants and was arrested. He was the sole occupant of the vehicle and had a prior felony conviction for possession of cocaine. During a search of the vehicle, the officer discovered a small quantity of narcotics. Client was arrested for felony possession of a controlled substance. Corrigan presented information to the Grand Jury that his client had only recently purchased the vehicle and that the drugs could have belonged to the former owner who was a convicted felon. The Grand Jury No-Billed the case.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

September 1, 2010
Class B Misdemeanor juvenile case thrown out in Rockwall County
Brian Corrigan is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Corrigan’s client was caught with marijuana during a traffic stop in Rockwall. Corrigan contacted Rockwall juvenile probation early and convinced the juvenile probation officer to not file the case with the District Attorney. Client did a few weeks of drug offender education classes during summer vacation and the case was dropped with no future consequences for the client.

Results are case specific and do not imply that a particular result will be reached in your case.

Client Testimonials

“The best Lawyer in Texas and the best attorney for domestic violence cases. I met with 4 to 5 different lawyers and I selected Brian Charles Corrigan. His customer service is excellent. I never had to worry about remembering anything like my dates he always kept me informed. He picked up his phone...


“Brian is the BOMB… after making one bad decision I made an EXCELLENT decision of hiring Brian to represent me. He had all the charges dropped even before the 1st Court Hearing by working with the DA. Additionally he got me an Early Expunction. I met Brian in May 2013 for my case and all the charges...


“10++ stars. This is the most knowledgeable assertive attorney in criminal defense. He is worth his weight in gold!! He took care of my situation quickly and kept me informed the entire time. He is a attorney that truly cares about his clients and that is hard to find. I highly recommend this...


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