Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure Deadlines
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure -deadlines, etc
Rule 5.1:
- Preliminary Hearing must be held
- within 10 days of arrest if in custody
- within 20 days of arrest is not in custody
- may be extend by agreement of parties for good cause
- if defendant objects – court may extend if “extraordinary circumstances exist and justice requires delay”
Rule 6:
- The Grand Jury
- 16 to 23 members
- 12 must concur to indict
- May not serve more than 18 months unless court determines it is in the “public’s interest” – may extend for 6 months
Rule 7:
- The Indictment and the Information
- Motion for Bill of Particulars – requesting the facts supporting the allegations in the indictment/information – must be filed within 10 days after arraignment
Rule 12:
- Pleading and Pretrial Motions – Following must be raised before trial:
- Alleging a defect in instituting the prosecution
- Defect in the charging doc – unless jurisdictional or does not state an offense
- Motion to suppress
- Motion to sever
- Motion for discovery
Rule 12.1
- Notice of Alibi
- after request from the government – 10 days to provide notice of alibi defense, including the place and the witness and their contact information
- Then Gov must disclose within 10 days after receiving notice (but not later than 10 days before trial) the pertaining witness to place def and scene of offense
- Undisclosed witnesses may be excluded
- Continuing duty to disclose – court may grant exceptions for good cause
Rule 12.2
- Notice of an Insanity Defense; Mental Examination
- Must notify the gov as determined by pre-trial order of intent to use Insanity Defense/Offer Expert Evidence of Mental Condition
Rule 12.3
- Public Authority Defense
- State must file written response to Notice of Public-Authority Defense within 10 days, but not later than 20 days before trial
- State may request notice of witnesses – must be at least 20 days before trial
- Defense has 7 days to respond providing witnesses
- State has 7 days to respond providing witnesses after getting the defense witnesses
Rule 12.4
- Corporate parties must file a disclosure statement at the intial appearance
Rule 16
- Discovery
- Government’s Disclosure -Upon def’s request – must disclose/permit inspection or copying of
- def’s oral statements before or after arrest in response to interrogation
- Defendant’s Written or Recorded Statements – in response to interrogation or before the grand jury
- Organizational defendants – statements of agents of the organizational defendant
- Defendant’s Prior Record
- Documents and Objects – if material to prepare the defense, will be offered in case-in-chief, or defendant’s property
- Reports of Examinations and Tests
- Expert witnesses – provide a written summary of testimony – opinions, basis, qualifications
- Witness statements controlled by 18 USC 3500 – get them after direct exam – part of statement that relates to testimony – if gov does not compyà strike testimony
- Defendant’s Disclosure – If def requests and gov complies – def must disclose/permit inspection or copying of
- Documents and Objects – that defendant intends to use in case-in-chief
- Reports of Examinations and Tests – intends to use in case-in-chief or relates to a witness’s testimony
- Expert Witnesses – provide a written summary of testimony – if gov has disclosed as required or def has given notice of intent to present expert testimony on mental condition
- No duty to disclose witness statements pretrial – made to def or def team – see 26.2.
- Government’s Disclosure -Upon def’s request – must disclose/permit inspection or copying of
Rule 17
- Subpoena
- def must pay witness fees unless files an Ex Parte Application showing inability to pay/necessity of the witness
- No party may sub witness statements
Rule 20
- Transfer for Trial – for prejudice or convenience
- must be made at or before arraignment
Rule 24
- Trial Jurors
- 20 peremptory challenges in Capital Cases for each side
- Gov has 6 – Def or Defs have 10 total for felonies
- Each side has 3 in misdemeanors
- may empanel up to 6 alternate jurors – additional peremptories
- 1 for 1 or 2
- 2 for 3 or 4
- 3 for 5 or 6
Rule 26.2
- Producing Witness Statements – after direct related to subject matter that is not privileged
- applies at trial, suppression hearing, preliminary hearing, sentencing, revocation/modifications, detention hearings, writ of habeas corpus/federal custody
Rule 29
- Motion for Judgment of Acquittal – evidence is insufficient to sustain a conviction
- after gov closes evidence,
- after the close of all evidence
- within 7 days after a guilty verdict
- if court sets aside guilty verdict – may conditionally grant or deny a new trial if the acquittal is later reversed
- if court conditionally denies a new trial – appellate court may order new trial if the denial is erroneous
Rule 30
- Must object to instructions before jury retires and deliberates- waive appellate review unless “plain error”
Rule 32
- Sentencing and judgment
- probation must give the PSR to all parties at least 35 days before sentencing unless def waives
- Objections to PSR must be in writing with 14 days after receiving the PSR probation can revise
- At least 7 days prior to sentencing – probation must submit the PSR to the court/parties plus an addendum with any unresolved objections
- Court must give “reasonable notice” of intent to depart from guidelines
Rule 32.3
- Criminal Forfeiture
- Court should enter a preliminary order of forfeiture after a verdict of guilty
- determine whether “the gov has established the requisite nexus between the property and the offense”
- at a party’s request, a jury may determine the “nexus” issue
- Order allows AG to seize and conduct discovery to id., locate, or dispose of property
- prelim order becomes final at judgment
- no right to jury trial for subsequently located property found in discovery
- Court should enter a preliminary order of forfeiture after a verdict of guilty
Rule 33
- New Trial
- based on “newly discovered evidence” within 3 years after verdict of guilty – unless an appeal is pending
any other grounds within 7 days after the verdict or finding of guilty
Rule 34
- Arresting Judgment – indictment does not charge an offense or court has no jurisdiction motion to arrest judgment must be filed within 7 days after verdict or plea
Rule 35
- Correcting or Reducing Sentence
- “arithmetical or technical error” – within 7 days after sentencing
- For “Substantial Assistance” – within 1 year after sentencing def helped to investigate another person after they were sentenced
- may file later if:
- info was not known to the def until more than a year after sentencing,
- provide within a year but not useful to gov until later, OR
- usefulness of the information could not reas have been anticipated by the defendant until more than a year after sentencing – then promptly tendere
- may go below the minimum sentence establish by statute
- may file later if:
Rule 41
- Search and Seizure
- Authority to issue warrants:
- for persons or property INSIDE the district -magistrate with authority in the district or (if none reas available) judge of a state court of record (not jp’s)
- person or property inside the district BUT may move/be moved before the warrant is executed – magistrate with authority in the district (“MWAITD”)
- Activities related to TERRORISM “MWAITD” within or OUTSIDE the district
- “MWAITD” – may authorize INSTALLATION of tracking device may monitor outside the district, too
- Warrant by telephonic or other means – by “MWAITD”
- place affiant under oath read from “proposed duplicate original warrant”
- record it/have a court reporter/write it down verbatim – enter it into “Original Warrant”
- if fax, may serve as original
- judge may modify and fax back or instruct to modify
- sign “Original” with date and time, send it electronically or direct applicant to sign the judge’s name
- record it/have a court reporter/write it down verbatim – enter it into “Original Warrant”
- Authority to issue warrants:
- transcribe if necessary/certify it/file with clerk
- Warrants must be executed within 10 days
- during the daytime unless good cause authorizes in the warrant
- Warrant for tracking device
- may not exceed 45 days – may grant extensions for additional 45 day periods for good cause
- Must complete the installation within a specified time no longer than 10 days
- must enter on the warrant the exact time and date installed
- return the warrant within 10 days after period ends to the judge, showing the exact period
- serve a copy of the warrant on the person tracked within 10 days after use has ended
- Executing and Returning the Warrant
- date and time
- inventory – witnessed by another officer and person from whom the property was taken / or in front of at least one other credible person
- Warrants must be executed within 10 days
Motion to return Property – file in district court where property was seized
Rule 43
- Defendant must be present – initial appearance, arraignment, plea, every trial stage, and sentencing
- not required
- organizational defendant
- misdemeanor (with def written consent)
- conference on a legal question
- sentence correction
- waives right to be present if
- voluntary absence after trial begins
- non-capital voluntary absence during sentencing, or
- persistent disruptive behavior
- not required
Rule 45
- Computing time
- day of event excluded
- exclude Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays, inaccessible courthouse (bad weather) if period is less than 11 days
- include the last day unless an “excluded day”
- court may extend on its own motion for good cause
- on party’s motion if filed before time expires
- after time expires if party failed to act because of “excusable neglect”
- if you don’t fax it or personally serve it, add 3 days to the period
Rule 46
- Release from custody; Supervising Detention governs pretrial release of def’s but also
- Gov must report every 2 weeks listing material witnesses held in custody for more than 10 days, state why they should not be released
Rule 47
- Motions and Supporting Affidavits
- must be in writing unless during trial or hearing
- must serve motion and any hearing notice at least 5 days before hearing date, unless a rule or court order says differently
- responding party must serve opposing affidavits at least one day before hearing
Rule 48
- Dismissals:
- Gov may not dismiss during trial without the defendant’s consent
- Court may dismiss for unnecessary delay in
- presenting to the grand jury
- filing an information
- bringing a defendant to trial
Rule 52
- Harmless and Plain Error
- Harmless error – any error, defect, irregularity, or variance that does not affect substantial rights must be disregarded
- Plain error error that affects substantial rights may be considered even though it was not brought to the court’s attention
Rule 58
- Petty Offenses and Misdemeanors
- appeal to district judge from magistrate within 10 days – not trial de novo district judge acts as appellate court
Rule 59
- Matters before a Magistrate Judge
- May refer any matter that does not dispose of a charge or defense
- Parties may object to orders of magistrate within 10 days district judge may set aside rulings that are “contrary to the law” or “clearly erroneous”
- Dispositive matters can go before a magistrate – decided as “recommendations”
- must object within 10 days
- must get a record on relevant portions unless district judge says otherwise
- district judge considers de novo any objection – accepts, rejects, or modifies recommendation